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7512 I.T., I.E., T.E. Overview


Immediate Exportation (IE) or  Transportation and Exportation (TE) or Immediate Transportation (IT)
TIB / Temporary Import Bond ("Temporary Importation under Bond")   ISF 5 must be file for (IE, TE & IT): CBP form 7512

.   7512 (IT,TE, IE) is filed,  if shipment is moving to exam site / to clear in other port,  BEFORE US Customs has release the shipment.
.   If 3461 & 7501 was issued by US Customs, most of exam site will ask for 3461 only (will NOT need 7512)
.   Also, most of ISF 5 must use 7512 form.    


IT - Immediate Transportation allows to move goods from the port of entry to another port (recipient's warehouse) without actual 
filing entry and paying duty and taxes or examination.

Unless exempted, merchandise transported in bond must be sealed under customs supervision with the highly security red in 
bond Customs seal, if incapable to be sealed, sealing may be waived under certain circumstances (part 18.4).

When individual packages are transported, each package must contain a red warning label not less than 5 x 8 inches in size (or 
under certain circumstances 3 x 5 inches in size). On crates and similar packages, bright red shipping tags may be used.  When 
Customs seals are used, an 8 x 10 inch red card must be attached to the convenience. Containers or road vehicles accepted for 
transport under Customs seal have rigid requirements detailed in Part 18.4 of the Customs Regulations. CF 7512 shall be given 
IMMEDIATELY to the lading inspector on the customs in bond document covering the merchandise. It must be prepared by the 
carrier or shipper AND MUST BE SIGNED BY THE CARRIER and must indicate the quantity delivered for transportation in bond.

When cargo reached its final destination carriers has ONLY 2 (TWO) WORKING DAYS TO PRESENT TO U.S. CUSTOMS (the Port 
Director) THE IN BOND MANIFEST AND RELATED CF 7512 TO FILE ENTRY 7501. (If merchandise in bond is moved by a privet 
carrier, a commercial invoice must also be presented to the Port Director.)

Merchandise transported in bond can be diverted (see Part 18.5). Merchandise CAN BE SPLIT ONLY BY THE COMPLETION OF 
THE ORIGINAL TRANSACTION. A new IT for the portion forwarded is then required. A TIR Carnet cannot be split.

Different ITs (CF 5512) uses:

On February 22, 2012, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that proposes 
changes to regulations affecting in-bond transportation of imported merchandise. The Notice can be accessed at http://www.gpo.
gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2012-02-22/html/2012- 2819.htm. The Notice invites comments on the proposed changes. The deadline for such 
comments is April 23, 2012.

Under existing CBP regulations, imported goods may arrive at one U.S. port of entry and then be transported by a bonded carrier to 
another U.S. port of entry without the merchandise being appraised or assessed duties. Such “inbond movement” requires the 
filing of a transportation entry (CBP Form 7512 / Sample) that documents the movement of the goods and payment of a bond, which 
has subsidiary requirements pertaining to receipt, safekeeping, and disposition of the bonded merchandise. Following in-bond 
shipment, the goods may then be either exported or entered officially into the United States with duties paid at the destination port.

IT: Immediate Transportation - used to move merchandise in bond without paying duty and taxes and no examination possible 
until the goods arrive at the port of destination and entry is filed.  
(Moving merchandise between two ports of entry within the Customs Territory of the United States for entry in the port of destination)

IE: Immediate Exportation - used to export merchandise from THE SAME PORT OF ORIGIN.
(Moving merchandise between two shipping companies within a port of entry for export.)

T & E: Transportation and Exportation - used to move AND EXPORT merchadise at another port, other than port of origin.
(NOTE: Transportation and Exportation (T&E) Customs Bond: required for products to move through the United States)
(Moving merchandise between two ports of entry within the Customs Territory of the US for export out of the port of destination)
(Example: from Canada to USA & to other Country)   

TIB: Temporary Import Bond ("Temporary Importation under Bond") -
A temporary import bond or TIB ("Temporary Importation under Bond") is required when goods are brought into the United States  
without payment of duty, by posting a bond to guarantee that they will be exported. The amount of the bond is usually double the 
estimated duties. Goods imported under a temporary import bond can remain in either country without the payment of duty for up to 
a year. These goods must be brought back to the country of export before the expiration of the bond period to avoid the assessment 
of liquidated damages in the amount of the bond. If the goods are not exported, the bond is forfeited, usually in the amount of twice 
the value of the customs duties that would have been payable on the products. The one year period for exportation can be extended 
upon application to the port director.  
The importer will want to enter merchandise using a temporary import bond under the following circumstances: importing samples 
for testing, inspection, for making a purchasing decision, or to display a sample at a trade fair or other sales show; or an importer 
may wish to import merchandise and to further manufacture (repair) it and then export the finished product.

ANOTHER in a different port.

WDIE: Warehouse Withdrawal for Immediate Exportation - used to export merchandise IN THE SAME PORT OF EXPORT AS THE 

WDTE: Warehouse Withdrawal for Transportation and Exportation - used to export merchandise at ANOTHER PORT THAN the 
port where the bonded warehouse is located.

TACOM - Transport Air Cargo Manifest. It is the same to IT, but used by THE SAME AIRLINE. All the rules IT apply. IT MUST BE THE 

IMPORTANT!: The FIRST carrier is liable for the shipment. I.e. if during a bonded transportation carriers will change, then the first 
carrier is still liable for the entire shipment. IF YOU HAVE MULTIPLE CARRIERS THEN THE BEST TO DO MULTIPLE IT. In this case 
carrier's liability changes from one carrier to another.

Since IT is filed, the first carrier has 5 (FIVE) working days to move goods. After those 5 days the IT automatically canceled.

You can move to move goods as many times as you like (for each place must be filed a separate IT). However, goods MUST 
REACH THE FINAL DESTINATION WITHIN: 30 days by land; 60 days by sea. Explosive and prohibited goods are not allowed for IT 
unless approved by an appropriate agency.

Penalties imposed as liquidated damages under the carrier's bond for shortage, failure to deliver or irregular delivery:

In case of shortage, failure to deliver or delivery direct to the consignee or other person of any merchandise FREE OF DUTY, a 
minimum of $50 and a maximum of $100, in anyone shipment, to be determined by the Port Director.

In case of shortage or failure to deliver merchandise SUBJECT TO DUTY of duty, an amount equal to the duty of missing 
merchandise. If duty cannot be estimated the penalty is 70% of the value shown on the manifest.

In case of unauthorized delivery to a wrong person of merchandise subject to duty, an amount equal to to one and one-quarter 
(1.25) times the estimated duties will be imposed. If duty cannot be estimated the penalty is 70% of the value shown on the 
manifest. In addition to the penalties listed above, the carrier must pay Internal Revenue taxes and other costs incurred.


Sandra De Leon, CHB

All imports are subject to US Customs requirements.  Some imports have additional regulations from various  other government agencies.  It is the responsibility of US Customs to enforce the regulations imposed by other agencies at the port of entry.

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